It’s another rainy morning on the farm. It has rained quite a bit this summer. I don’t know the official rain total amounts, I just know it’s rained a lot. In spite of the fact that we’ve had a lot of rain, our creek has dried up.
In this picture, the creek is coming from ups stream on one side of the house. There is a pool of water that probably has 27,999,997 mosquitoes in it! lol
There will be no grapes for us from the vines this year. Oh, we had grapes. But the birds ate them all! See? Here’s evidence that we had grapes.
For more gardens, visit Weekend Warriors at It’s a Blog Party. and Tuesday Garden Party at An Oregon Cottage and Oh, How My Garden Grows at Just Trying to Save Money.
Also visit Saturday Share at Kerri’s Klutter
Also visit Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Day Dreamer.
Ruth says
oh, these pictures make me want to get away to the mountains… my homeland where daddy has a farm!!
Have a great weekend!!
Underneath His Wrapping
Kerri says
Hi there, stopping over from Friday Follow. Thanks for visiting me yesterday.
You should totally link up this post with my Saturday Share post! I do a linky every weekend. Hope to see ya.
Love your goats btw
zentmrs says
Lovely pictures! Thanks for the tour!
Alea says
Thanks for the tour! Our raspberry bushes seem to propagate at exponetial rates, so I am sure it won't be long before both sides of the fence are covered with berries. BTW, great close up of the baby berries!
Just Trying To Save Money says
Looking good, I can not wait until next year when our raspberries come in!!!
Melinda says
We're the same way with the raspberries! I don't know if we'll ever actually bring any into the house! 🙂
Jami @An Oregon Cottage says
Your place is so idyllic! We had birds eat our whole crop of grapes in our other house just as we were getting ready to pick- in one day they were gone! I feel your pain. 🙂 Thanks for sharing at the Tuesday Garden Party!
Its A Blog Party says
The farm looks great!
Thanks for linking up!