“C” is for Childhood Cancer Awareness.
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month. The Gold Ribbon is for Childhood Cancer.
Only a small portion of research money goes towards childhood cancer. For some childhood cancers, it’s been over 20 years since new drugs have been approved. That’s just not right. These are our kids! All of us my not be cancer research doctors, we not not all have a million dollars to donate, but we all can spread the word about childhood cancer. The millionaires will hear and the cancer research doctors will get funding. It’s too important NOT to share!
I have a lot more information on my Childhood Cancer Page.
“C” is also for Calen, my son the childhood cancer survivor!
Calen was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on October 20, 2000. Eight days before his 6th birthday. Talk about a nightmare, being told your child has cancer is one. After three years and three months of treatment, he has gone on to still be cancer free almost 12 years after diagnose!
Calen is my hero! There are not enough words to express how proud I am of him.
To go through what he did and come out a survivor is awesome. He’s not only a survivor, he’s a thriver. He leads a full and busy life. He works very hard using the talents that God gave him for God’s glory. Satan tried to keep him down, but satan didn’t win! To God be the glory!!
Leslie says
What an awesome testimony he (and you all) have of healing. I’m sorry you had to go through it but love that you are giving God the glory.
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Chris Tillley (@hhtales) says
My homeschooler is also a cancer survivor. He was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma when he was 3 and a half. He is now 10 and a half and thriving.
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Stefanie Smith says
12 years cancer free, how wonderful!!! God is good!
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