There aren’t too many things blooming in my yard right now, but I managed to find a few. And no echinacea this week!
The hostas in front of the house are all blooming. Such pretty little flowers.
The yarrow in the Bible Garden opened. These are a light pink color.
The Purple Butterfly Bush has flowers open now. I posted the blossoms on the White Butterfly Bush last week.
Here’s a picture of the whole bush. This bush was a volunteer bush. It just showed up one summer. It started growing in the garden in front of the house (with the hostas). It did start growing about 10 feet or so away from the white butterfly bush, so I’m not sure if it grew from that one. Can a purple bush come from a white bush?
The Mimosa tree is blooming! The blossoms are usually fluffier than this, but it rained before I took the picture.
There are a lot of blossoms on the tree, this is just one section. This tree was started about 7ish years ago from a couple of little twigs that a friend gave me. She said to just stick them in the ground, and they would grow. And they did. I’ll try to remember to get a picture of the whole tree next week, as it’s really big and beautiful. Although, now, I wish I hadn’t planted it where I did. It’s on the end of the house with the Bible Garden, which I would like to expand to cover that whole end of the yard. And the tree is in the way. But I don’t want to cut it down, either. So I just pretend it’s a palm tree. lol
Now I’m going to show you a picture that shouldn’t have happened. This is what happens when you take a peace lily, that has never seen the sun, and put it outside. sigh I put it on the front porch, where it got only a couple of hours of morning sun. I thought it would be ok. I should have known better. sigh So it’s now on the back porch, where it doesn’t get ANY sun.
To see pictures from my vegetable garden, visit Saturday on the Farm. While your there, join the Saturday on the Farm Carnival.
For more flower pictures, visit Tuesday Garden Party at An Oregon Cottage.
Flaunt Your Flowers at Tootsie Time.
Also visit Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Day Dreamer.
Heather says
It is so fun to tour the garden and see what is blooming… what a fun surprise to find a purple butterfly bush! Thanks for sharing.
by way of jami's garden party
Olga says
Wonderful blooms from your yard. As for the lily, I made the same mistake with a few of my indoors plants. I was heartbroken when I saw them burned.
Ott, A. says
Your flowers are beautiful. Thanks for posting.
Le Chateau des fleurs says
Very pretty!
Luna Miranda says
it's wonderful to see beautiful flowers grow and bloom in our garden. lovely photos.
Jami says
Eek, I've done that before, but with tomato seedlings. Luckily, they are huge and healthy now. 😉 And the white butterfly bush is a hybrid, so when it self-sows the new plant will be one of the parents…so yeah a pink one! Thanks for sharing at the TGP.
Linda says
I wondered about that, Jami, thanks for the info.
Thanks everyone for your kind comments about my flower pictures!
Thoughtfully blended hearts says
Loving all of your blooms in your gardens…I've seen several mimosa blooms today on blogs…they are pretty blooms!