Hi, thanks for stopping by for a visit.
My name is Linda, but you probably already knew that!
Grab a cup of coffee, tea, or in my case, homemade hot chocolate, and stay awhile!
I am a Christian, married, stay at home, mom of 6, Mimi to 2, living in the Hills of Kentucky
I grew up in church, and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior as a young teen.
I met my husband in church and we have been married for almost 40 years. Yes, really!
The Lord has blessed us with 6 children. A son 35, a daughter 33, a son 26, a daughter 25, a daughter 23, and a son 21. 3 boys and 3 girls all in His time.
I’ve been on a health and wellness journey for a couple of years. I found some great supplements that have helped me tremendously. You can email me, or check out my social media, where I sometimes post more information.
We homeschooled our kids from the beginning, formally when our oldest started Kindergarten in 1991. We finished homeschooling when our youngest graduated in 2019. That would be 27 years. It’s hard to believe that we homeschooled, and survided, for 27 years. And now it’s all over. It’s a whole new world for me! I’m still figuring out what I want my send half to look like!
I stay pretty busy cooking the majority of our food from scratch, taking care of our gardens and animals, and volunteering at our church. Oh, and one of our parents lives with us. that keeps me pretty busy, too!
We work in the clothes ministry at our church’s outreach center. Which means we gather all the donated clothes, sort them out and keep clothing stocked in the clothes closet. We open the clothes closet once a week for people in the community to come and get free clothing and whatever household items are donated. We also open on an emergency need basis, and have large clothes giveaways once or twice a year.
I thank you so much for visiting! If your looking for me, I can be found in the schoolroom (it’s actually now a library/office, but that’s where you’ll find lots of homeschool posts), the kitchen, outside somewhere, or just hanging out
If you want to talk, you can email me at lindaslunacy@gmail.com. You can also find me on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Thanks again for visiting, hope to see you again soon!
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