I hang my laundry outside on the line, year round, no dryer here.
Well, we own a dryer, it’s out in the shed. And it doesn’t really work. You can run it 2 hours, and the clothes still won’t be dry. So I had my husband move it out. No since taking up space with a very large metal box that doesn’t do anything except collect junk of top.
I don’t like using store bought liquid fabric softeners as they all smell like chemicals. Yes, they try and pretty them up with scents, but really, all I smell is chemicals. And then the chemicals on the clothes come off on our skin all day long. Not something I want for my kids. Or me.
Plus, it’s dangerous to use fabric softeners on my husbands work clothes, as if exposed to flames, it will ignite on the clothes, and cash a flash fire on the clothes. My husband had this happen to him when he was welding. We later so a news report on it, and figured out what had happened. If you do a search, you’ll see that this does happen and it’s very dangerous
I often use plain vinegar as a fabric softener and it works well for most clothing items.
Sometimes,though, the jeans and towels will still be a little stiff when I take them off the line. I found this recipe for Homemade Fabric Softener online somewhere about 3 or so years ago. I don’t remember where, though. This works great on jeans and towels!
Homemade Fabric Softener
2 cups baking soda
2 cups vinegar
4 cups water
Put the baking soda in a large container. Add the vinegar, then the water.
I do this in one of the vinegar bottles that I saved. Just make sure you do mix it in a container large enough, or you will be cleaning up a volcano!
Shake well before using each time.
I used to use one of those fabric softener balls and fill it up to the line. My new washing machine (ok, it’s 2 years old now) has a fabric softener dispenser, so I pour it in there.
Works great! Saves money! And no unwanted chemicals!
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Fantastic Frugal Friday
I love this idea! I use vinegar all the time in the wash, but didn't know about adding baking soda, too. Thanks for posting–so nice to find an inexpensive, safer, non-chemical alternative to the store bought stuff.
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