I found out about Bible Gardens a few years ago when I came across a book and just loved the idea of starting one. Even though I’ve had a Bible Garden for 7 or 8 years, it is still a work in progress. Plants grow, change, die, I add something new, the goat eats my new bush (true story!). It’s an ever changing garden.
A Bible Garden is a garden with plants that are mentioned in the Bible or plants that have Bible sounding names. Some examples of plants that are mentioned in the Bible are Roses, Hyssop, Burning Bush. Some examples of plants that aren’t necessarily named in the Bible but have Bible sounding names are Lily of the Valley (below), Rose of Sharon, Lambs Ear, or the Passion Flower in the picture above.
Bible Gardens can be a fun family project to plant and maintain. I used to have a bench next to my Bible Garden, and it was a beautiful, peaceful place to go to pray or to just sit and think. The Burning Bush below is just gorgeous in the fall.
Lambs Ear, below, is a fun plant to have if you have small children. It is so soft and a family favorite. The flower stalks are beautiful, too. All of the little green buds open to a purple flower so that the whole stalk is covered in purple. You can see how “furry” the bigger leaves are. Just like a real lambs ear.
I learned about Bible Gardens by reading. This is the book that I have.
(Disclosure: The links below are affiliate links. If you click on them and buy a book, I will earn a small commission)
The author has done a great job of researching the subject and presenting it. She uses the Latin name for plants, so it can be hard to find some of these plants in your local nursery or in a catalog. She often calls them by a common name in her explanation, so that does make it easier to find some of the plants now.
Here are three more books available on Bible Gardens.
There are many, many books on plants of the Bible. You can get plant specific books, also, with just flowers, or just herbs, or just trees.
Bible Gardens are beautiful, peaceful, a great conversation starter with your guests, and just a fun way to garden.
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Bloomin’ Tuesday
Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers
Deb says
Hi Linda, I enjoyed your post. I’m not sure I’ve heard of Bible gardens, altho I’ve heard of all those plants with Bible names. I was given some Lambs’ Ear by a friend a couple of years ago, and every time it blooms I think of her. I never see her now, so it’s special.
Marcy @ Ben and Me says
I love this idea!
Marcy @ Ben and Me recently posted..Kentucky Undiscovered — Join us this summer, as we discover our beautiful state!
Tonia says
I’ve never heard of Bible gardens but what a neat idea!
Tonia recently posted..Chemistry for Elementary Students
Lavender Cottage says
I heard about Bible gardens years ago, did the research and wrote an article on them. It amazed me the number of plants/herbs that are mentioned in the Bible, and some in such an unassuming way.
Nice post.
Suzanne says
I’ve never heard of this, but it’s a really sweet idea. The “Lambs Ear” is amazing — love it!
Suzanne recently posted..Bloomin’ Tuesday…
The Prudent Homemaker says
Our area has a climate and look similar to Israel. We grow pomegranates and figs here.
Judy Thomas says
This is such a lovely way to teach and plant a garden. 🙂
Fred says
What a wonderful idea! I’ve never heard of a bible garden before and it’s such a great teaching opportunity with the kids (we homeschool too). And the goats always are trying to get in the garden:D
Julie says
Wow. I had never heard of bible gardens before. I think that I will make one with my mother this summer. Thank you so much for the wonderful idea!
Jo says
Terrific idea. Now that spring is here, I may use some of these ideas. Thanks for posting.
Michael says
One of my students pointed me to your page. We may use these ideas in the new garden club that we are thinking of forming.