We worked on our Olympic Lapbooks again this week. Unfortunately, we haven’t finished them yet. We will continue next week with them and with our England Unit Study. Life kept getting in the way of finishing. Life such as taking a child to the doctor for a tick bite, then getting stung in the parking lot (me!!), then having to take lots of Benadryl. That’s just one example!
We also did a couple of subjects on the computer for a couple of the kids. I can’t tell you yet, as they are for a review. 🙂
We bought new scissors last week. Well, my husband did when he went shopping. He bought little kids scissors, even though our youngest is now 12 and doesn’t need them. I could not believe how excited the 13 and 12 year olds were about those scissors! We got our lapbooks out to work on, and they ran for the new scissors. You should have heard all the oohing and ahing. lol Once they found out what the sheath was for, they got even more excited. Zach, 12, said, “We can run with scissors now!!” lol Sorry son, no you can’t.
And here he is, working on his Olympics lapbook in the living room while watching the Olympics. See that mess? Well, he didn’t do it all himself. Abby helped. She just RAN when she saw me with the camera. lol They did clean it up themselves, though, even vacuumed. 🙂
Abby sings on the Youth Praise Team at our church and has appointed herself in charge of the music books. After a few weeks of them pulling out the songs they need, and not putting them back, the books are a mess. So she brings them home to get them back in order. I just wish she could figure out a way to do it without laying ALL the songs on the living room floor! Oh well, it’s for a good cause, right?
I really need to get our plans for this school year down on paper or blog post, as the case may be. And out of my head! lol
Monday we will be back to a full schedule of book work, as well as finishing our lapbooks. Should be an interesting week!
To see more homeschooling posts, visit Weekly Wrap Up.
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