After our cold and snow, we had mild temperatures this week. Which prompted Zach to take some of his work outside to the front porch. He started out just laying on on the blanket doing his work. Until I went out with the camera. He didn’t want his picture taken, lol, so he covered up. He working on an Old Testament study that we’re reviewing. I’ll be sharing that review next week. So be on the look out for it.
I had a birthday this week, so Hannah made my favorite chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. yum! Birthday cake – where real life and home ec meet. lol
The girls had more volleyball games and practices this week. Thursday night was their last home game of the season, so it was also Senior Night. Hannah is the only senior on the volleyball team. There are two seniors on the basketball team, so they were all recognized that night. Here’s a pic, the basketball coach on the left, the two basketball seniors, the volleyball coach and little Hannah. 5 feet is short, but looks even shorter next to tall basketball players. lol
All the volleyball venues have been too dark to take pictures during the game. I managed to get this on at Thursday nights game that isn’t too dark. That’s Hannah running for the ball. Look! She can run! roflol Just kidding Hannah!
Yes, they are playing in culottes. This is a homeschool team, but we play in a Christian school league and there is a dress code. On one of the teams, the girls play in skirts, and the boys play basketball in pants. Proof that girls (and boys) can play sports AND be modest!
Our church has also been having a youth revival, so we’ve had to be out every night, several nights found us in two different places, volleyball and church. Very tiring, but so worth it for the kids to be at the youth revival.
Why yes, there was book work done, too. Or in Zach’s case, book work avoidance as he tried his best to not have to do math. Hannah is plowing through Algebra. She very much dislikes algebra. We’re also working on a few reviews, besides the Old Testament study I mentioned above.
I’m thankful for that this busy week is finally over. Tomorrow we will work together as a family at our church’s clothes closet like we do every Saturday morning. Then we will most likely all collapse in the living room for a little family R & R and a movie or two. Don’t forget the popcorn!
Here are a few links I found interesting and helpful:
Art Lessons
Free downloads for every subject
Paper Crafts
3d Paper Models and Toys
Free Charlotte Mason Planner
To see more homeschooling posts, visit Weekly Wrap Up.
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