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A friend posted a picture on social media that said “Grandma’s Tweet Hearts”.
It featured kids footprints turned into birds.
I fell in love with it!
And the first chance I got I made one myself with my grandkids.
It’s pretty easy to do. And I’m not an artist. lol
The first step is to paint the kids feet with craft paint and put foot prints on a canvas. I used one foot from each of my grandchildren.
Make sure you have help for that step! At least 2 people are needed. 3 would be even better. It depends on how cooperative your babies and toddlers are. Some freak out when you paint their feet. lol
After that’s dry, add bird bellies, feet, beaks, and eyes.
I outlined the belly and beak, then filled in with yellow. I added a few paint brush strokes of brown and white for highlights.
I painted the little feet with yellow on a small brush. Then added just a few highlights in brown.
For the eyes, I put a dot of white, with a dot of black inside.
I printed “MiMi’s Tweet Hearts” on mine, but you can use whatever name your kids or grandkids call you.
I added their names, but you don’t have to. Then I thought it needed a little something something extra, so I added a few little hearts.
I think it came out soooooo cute! It’s hanging in my living room!
These would make great gifts, too!
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