I’m up early this morning. yawn. Calen has his monthly clinic visit today. Prayers appreciated for traveling mercies for the 2 hour drive EACH way. And for a passing his exam, and lab work. Thanks!!
Just a quick note to let you know that everything went fine yesterday. The dr told Calen, “You passed your exam. I give you an A” Calen said “how about an A+?” The dr said “ok, you can have an A+” We had been talking about Calens homeschooling, so I don’t think he was expecting Calen to negotiate a higher grade! LOL The trip went well. Thanks for all your prayers! I try not to worry, but it is a 2 hour trip each way, with just me and Calen.
Pet Peeve Rant WARNING!
Ok, what really BUGS me is when driving in construction zones on the highway, and you HAVE to drive 55 mph or less or get a double fine ticket, and the semi trucks are just ONE car length behind you, breathing down your neck, FORCING you to drive faster or get run over! (How’s that for a run-on sentence! lol) In most of these construction areas, your not even supposed to change lanes! So what are you supposed to do? I choose to drive faster, instead of getting run over. There are often SEVERAL police cars pulling people over, handing out those double fine tickets. Who do you think the police would give the ticket to, me, or the truck trying to run me over. I think they would give it to me. GRRRRRRRR No, I didn’t get a ticket yesterday. Or even get stopped, It just irks me that these semis think they own the road, and can make their own rules. GRRRRRRR
Ok, Rant OVER!
I’m off to feed the youngin’s
I’m getting ready to leave to take Calen for his monthly exam and blood work. Prayers for traveling mercies, and good reports, GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!
We left at 6:00 this morning, to go to Calen’s dr appt. We had an uneventful trip there, and a good dr visit. He passed his exam. 🙂 I don’t have the results of his lab work yet, though. Then on the way home, actually about 5 minutes from the clinic, I looked in my rearview mirror, and saw flashing lights.
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What did I do??!! *GASP*
From the backseat: “What did you DO Mom??!!!!”
The officer comes to my window and says, “I pulled you over by mistake. The car up there ran a red light, I was trying to get him. I just pulled over the first car I came to, and your not the one I wanted. You can go on. Sorry.”
“Ok, I was just trying to figure out what I did!”
“You can go on, sorry”
Yikes!!!!!! I’ve never been pulled over, so I guess it was good for me to be the wrong car the first time I’m pulled over! LOL *PHEW*
When we got back into town, I dropped Calen off at the extension office. MIL had already dropped Hannah off. Then went home and collapsed for awhile. 4:45 comes mighty early in the morning!!
The Homemakers at our extension office have a Beginners Sewing Class every summer. This year, Calen and Hannah signed up. The homemakers feed them breakfast and lunch, supply all the materials for the class, AND have one adult per kid to teach them how to sew! Get this, they don’t charge anything!It’s Monday thru Thursday, 10 – 2. But they are ahead of schedule, so they will get out early tomorrow. They are having a fashion show in the morning. I can’t wait. It’s going to be sew cute! I’ve been leaving shortly after 9 to take them, then going home, and leaving again to get them a few minutes after 1, then we’ve been going to the library for the reading program, and not getting home until after 4:30. phew! That’s why I haven’t had time to update. We’re at the library now. 🙂 All except Mel. I’m driving the car today, instead of the van, because of having to drive to the clinic. And there aren’t enough seats in the car. It would have been a 45 minute drive to D’s workshop to pick up the car, and 45 minutes home. So I just left Mel! lol I’m sure she’s enjoying the quiet time, though. lol But she’s surrounded by Grandparents, so can’t get into too much trouble!
So that’s about it for me. Busy, huh? Oh, and today is Zachary’s 4th birthday! My baby! He doesn’t like it when I call him my baby! lol
I guess I’m going to go click around for awhile, while the kids are still busy. See ya! 😛
It’s been really busy here this week. No time for an update. But I will update this afternoon from the library.
I’m leaving in a few minutes to take Calen to his clinic visit. His 7 month OT (Off-Treatment) visit. Prayers for a good exam, and traveling mercies GREATLY appreciated!
We had a good and safe trip today. :)Thank you Jesus! I just worry soooo much about something happening on the highway. Has it ever? NO! But that doesn’t stop me! sigh
Calen ahd a good drs visit. He passed his exam. 🙂 His counts were:
White count 4.9 Normal 6-10 but 4.9 is good for him
Hemaglobin 13.9 Normal 11.5-13.5
Hematocrit 40.9 Normal 30-40
Platelets 295,000 Normal 160,000 – 500,000
ANC 2058 Normal 1,500 or above
(Absolute Neutrophil Count-a measure of the body’s ability to withstand infection. )
Everything looks good, this is the highest his ANC has been since he finished chemo! Too bad the germ phobia I developed while he was on treatment didn’t go down, as his ANC went up!
All in all, it was a good day, even though I had to drive in the rain. 🙁 I’m going to go treat myself to some scrapping time. 🙂
Good morning!
I have to take Calen for a clinic visit. His 6th off treatment clinic visit! The first year of treatment, is a likely time for relapse, so we’re halfway there! Of course, they can relapse at any time, even several years off treatment. And He has a risk of secondary cancers later on, too. But Praise the LORD we’re halfway through the first year! I try VERY hard to focus on today, and not worry about tomorrow. Something I’m working on, but haven’t quite mastered. Anyway, prayers for traveling mercies greatly appreciated! I didn’t sleep well last night. I tried to go to bed early, but every time I dosed off, someone would open the door, thus waking me up. 🙁 Not just D, either, kids, too. 🙁 Then I woke up a couple of times during the night, too. So I’m not sure how the 2 hour drive is going to go. 🙁 I’ll update later. Thanks for the prayers!