Make my bed
Pick up master bed, bath
Take dinner out of freezer
wash dishes
desk duty
Clear Hot Spots:
computer desks
washing machine
tables- school room, living room
wash dishes
Check school work
Put away School stuff
Start dinner
wash dishes
Clear hot spots:
computer desks
washing machine
tables – schoolroom, living room
A hot spot is a place that everyone dumps their stuff. The places that would be piled sky high if not dealt with on a regular basis. You know the spots I’m talking about, every house has them.
Now, my list probably will look quite different from yours. My kids have a lot of the daily tasks on their lists.
They set the table, clear the table, take out the trash, do pick-ups of all the rooms, do the daily vacuuming. I believe in training the kids (boys and girls) to do housework so when they move out, they are equipped to take care of their own houses.
Housework is the responsibility of ALL the people that live in the home. Not just the girls. My boys hate it when I say that. lol
You’ve probably also noticed that laundry is not on the list. The kids are responsible for their own laundry. Since my youngest is 10, I just have to supervise the laundry process, which includes hanging the laundry on the clothesline outside.
Next week, I’ll share my weekly cleaning list.
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Homemaker Monday
I'm a list lady too. I feel that I accomplish more when it is written down and can be crossed off!
I've done lists, too. I have to somewhat prioritize because I get distracted easily and jump from one thing to another. LOL! Nice lists, btw. 😀
Thanks for stopping by. I am following you back!
Linda, I like your idea of not using a timeline, but rather sectioning your to do list in morning afternoon evening. This also works for me too 🙂 Having a list and always referring to it during the day keeps me on task. Thanks for sharing!
That is a great list. I try to make lists so I can get through my day easier but my lists mostly consist of work tasks because I work from home. We do have a lot of "hot spots" in our house too. I should clear them every day like you do. I can't stand clutter!