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My grandson asked for a duck birthday party. In searching online for ideas for a duck party that weren’t baby-ish or baby shower-ish, I saw a ducks & trucks party. That was perfect, as he loves trucks as well. In fact, he first told my daughter he wanted a monster truck party.
So here’s what I did for my grandson’s Duck & Truck party.
Ducks & Trucks Birthday Party
My daughter (the auntie) made this sign for the front door for the party. I used this truck printable and this duck printable through out the party. And, no, the decorations didn’t say Linda’s Lunacy, lol, that’s just for the pics. lol
I had my husband draw this duck on a large piece of paper. Save those large pieces of paper that come as packing in your packages! My daughter made a lot of feathers, and the kids played pin the feather on the duck. We used tape, though, as all the kids were 4 and under.
I had a coloring table set up so as the kids arrived, they could start coloring. Keep those kids busy! lol
I lost track of how many piñatas I have made for my kids. They are expensive to buy, and usually not available for all party themes. My kids loved being able to have a piñata in what ever shape they wanted.
I am out of practice though, since my youngest is now 23. I powered through though, lol, and made a duck! The head was a small ball covered in paper. In the past I used wallpaper paste to glue the paper in layers onto a balloon, or whatever shape I was making because I had some on hand. This time I used flour and water. Serves the same purpose.
I covered it with yellow streamers.
Then I glued on some of the feathers that my daughter made. After that, I added some streamer top feathers, construction paper beak, and eyes.
It came out super cute! Don’t be intimidated by making your own pinata. The kids won’t judge if it’s not perfect. They just want to smash it and get the goods anyway! lol
The piñata, and the goody bags. I used this duck printable, printed on yellow paper, wrote the kids names on them, and glued them to the brown bags. So easy!
The goody bags held a small truck, sunglasses, noise maker, some slime in a can that my daughter picked out, and duck food. Most went with our theme. but you can put whatever you want in your bags. We didn’t put candy as we had the piñata. The kids put the candy they collected in these goody bags, so we left room for it.
I used this duck food printable. First, I printed in black and white, and then colored them. You could definitely print them in color, but I don’t have a color printer. I put gold fish crackers in zip top baggies, and stapled the topper on. Super cute, and kids love gold fish crackers.
I bought 3 packages of different little ducks from the party section at Walmart. Then I set up an adopt-A-Duck station. Complete with blue “water”, aka a blue tablecloth and streamers. I had a handmade wooden truck that I used to hold some ducks. The kids loved being able to pick out their own duck and put it in their goody bag. If your party is outside when it’s warm, the ducks in real water would be so cute. But this was a winter party, and I didn’t want water all over my house. lol
The Birthday Party Fail!
There should be a picture right here of the happy birthday banner. But I checked all of our phones, and there are no pictures! I’m so sad! So you will just have to picture it in your mind. Sorry! I used the truck and duck printables that I used on the door sign above. Also, I colored the trucks the same as above. Then printed the ducks on yellow paper. Then put one letter of the words happy birthday Alijah on a duck. We hung a couple of trucks, a word, another truck, and another word, followed by a couple more trucks in one wide door opening. Then repeated in another wide opening on the other side of the room with a couple of trucks, ducks with his name, and a couple of more trucks. So cute! I could kick myself for not getting a picture!!
Ducks & Trucks Birthday Party Food
I got this rubber duck family for a centerpiece. Too cute with streamer water on a blue tablecloth. Tip: The tablecloths are cheaper in a 3 pack at Walmart than buying tablecloths at Dollar Tree. The kids loved this duck partyware.
Now for the food! We served pizza, pepperoni stuffed with cream cheese, and a cheeseball surrounded by cheese cubes. I made a regular cheese ball, but you could make it in the shape of a duck to continue the theme.
The food buffet.
I served Bugles labeled as duck beaks. I used the duck food label from the goody bags, and edited it to say beaks.
For drinks, I served lemonade, and blue raspberry lemonade labeled appropriately as Pond Water Punch, and Duck Splash. lol Along with water bottles for those that wanted water.
You don’t need to serve expensive food and drink for a successful kids party! Soda (or pop) is way to expensive. And so wasteful, especially with kids.
The Ducks & Trucks Birthday Party Cake
Cake and cupcakes! My daughter (the Auntie) made these duck butt cupcakes. Too cute! Kids, and adults, alike, loved them!
I started the cake by frosting it blue. and covering part of it with cookie crumbs for a sand effect.. You can also use graham cracker crumbs. Or chocolate cookie crumbs for dirt.
I added some green lili pads, and assorted green grasses. Not perfect, but literally no one cares if your cake grass is perfect! So don’t be afraid to try it! Then topped with a duck swimming in the water, and a truck on the sand. Then we added another duck in the truck.
I didn’t write happy birthday on the cake, just my grandson’s name. It turned out pretty cute!
The cake with some of the duck butt cupcakes. Super cute!!
This was the table after. If the sign of a good party is the mess to clean up afterwards, then this was a good party. lol See the pinata laying there? That’s why they don’t have to be perfect! They end up a pile of rubble! lol
This Ducks and Trucks birthday party was so fun! It all turned out super cute. And most importantly, my grandson loved it!
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