Thanks to Madame Deals Media and Gutzy Gear I had the opportunity to purchase school supplies to giveaway.
I was sent $25. to buy a backpack and as many school supplies as possible to fill it. Not to keep for myself or my kids, but to giveaway to a child who needed it.
Since I only had $25, I opted to get a small backpack, as backpacks can get expensive. I found this small one at Walmart for $7. In fact, I bought all these supplies at Walmart. School starts here the first week of August, so when I received the money, all the school sales were over. I still found some good prices at Walmart, I would have gotten the spiral notebooks that are cheaper than the composition notebooks, but they were out of them. My kids like the composition notebooks better, as do as lot of kids, I think.
Not included in this picture is a small bottle of hand sanitizer that I inadvertently left out. Included are:
9 composition notebooks
1 pencil box
1 handheld calculater
1 box of crayons
1 box of colored pencils
1 package of pens
1 package of mechanical pencils
1 pack erasers
1 pack of glue sticks
1 pack of index cards
1 ruler
1 -3 pack of tissues
1 small bottle of hand sanitizer
and the backpack
Here’s my receipt for all these. $24.79 before tax and $26.28 after tax.
Gutzy Gear also sent me 2 Gutzy Gear strap covers and a package of Gutzies to add to the backpack.
The filled backpack with the Gutzy’s and the missing hand sanitizer.
Never heard of Gutzy Gear? Gutzy Gear includes these really cool shoulder straps for backpacks, or any kind of bag your child carries, duffel, sports, dance, etc. Gutzy Gear then offers Gutzies patches that have velcro on the back and stick to the shoulder straps. There are currently over 50 designs to choose from, with more being added all the time. I opened all the Gutzy Gear and added it to the backpack.
Gutzy Gear patches are a fun way for kids to decorate their backpacks while expressing their likes and interests. Since the patches attach with velcro, they are easily moved around or removed for trading with their friends.
Ok, I had fun shopping for the supplies, filing the backpack and decorating it with Gutzy Gear. But the best part was giving the backpack away!
My family runs our church’s clothes closet. We accept clothing and household donations from the community, sort the donations, then give everything away for free to community. We open to the public on Saturdays from 10-12. While it is a lot of work, it is also a great blessing to our family to be able to work together to help others in this way.
So I took my Gutzy Gear decorated, filled to the brim backpack with us to giveaway to a child that needed it. This little boy came in with his mom and I asked her what grade he was in and if he needed a backpack and school supplies. She told me he was in first grade and didn’t have a backpack, that he was carrying a satchel to school.
Look at his little face! He was sooo happy to get the backpack. I handed it to him and he immediately put it on. I had to adjust the straps while he had it on. lol It was heavy with all those supplies in it, but he didn’t care. He put it on and wore it the whole time his mother was looking at clothes. You can tell by the shelves in disarray behind him that it was a busy morning. He didn’t care. He just kept smiling and wearing his new backpack.
I was so blessed to be given the $25 to go shopping and the Gutzy Gear to giveaway. Even though we give away clothing and household items on a weekly basis, to see how happy this little boy was to receive something that most kids take for granted was just amazing!
Thank you Gutzy Gear and Madame Deals Media for making this amazing moment possible.
*Disclaimer- This backpack giveaway was sponsored by Gutzy Gear and Madame Deals Media. I received $25 to purchase these school supplies. Everything listed on the receipt and pictured here was given away. I received no other compensation. Opinions are my own.
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