As part of The Schoolhouse Review Crew, I received a Computer Science for Kids Computer Bible Games For Microsoft Small Basic download to review. Computer Bible Games for Microsoft Small Basic is written for middle school students. The students will learn how to use Small Basic to develop learning games and Computer Bible Games. Using Small Basic is the first step in learning computer programming. Once the student learns to program in Small Basic, they will be ready to go on to other programming languages, such as Visual Basic, Visual C#, and Java. Computer Bible Games for Microsoft Small Basic consists of 13 chapters covering everything from installing Small Basic on your computer to working with variables, looping, and actually writing programs. You can view the Table of Contents. You can also preview a chapter, this is Chapter Four that covers inputting information into Small Basic. Each chapter requires 3-6 hours to complete. At the rate of one chapter a week, it will take just over three months to complete the course. During the review period, my son finished chapters 1-3. The thirteen chapters are titled: 1. Introducing Small Basic 2. Small Basic Program Basics 3. Your First Small Basic Program 4. Small Basic Program Design, Input Methods 5. Debugging, Decisions, Random Numbers 6. Small Basic Looping, Subroutines 7. More Small Basic Looping, Arrays 8. Small Basic Graphics, Mouse Methods 9. Timers, Animation, Keyboard Methods 10. Noah’s Ark Project 11. Daniel and the Lions Project 12. Elijah and the Ravens Project 13. Additional Computer Bible Games & Learning Games Projects There is also an Appendix I. Small Basic Colors. As you can see, there is a lot of information covered. They also learn to program some pretty fun little games. Each chapter begins with a review. I used Computer Bible Games for Microsoft Small Basic with my 12 year old, 6th grade son. He found Chapter One easy, it explains the course and talks you through installing Small Basic on your computer. He took about two weeks each for chapters two and three. All the computer language was new to him so he used the extra time to study more before moving on the the next chapter. The lessons are in written format, so the student reads the lessons then follows the instructions. There are screen shots for the kids to see what they are supposed to do. My son preferred to read the lessons on paper, so I printed them out. The lessons can certainly be read off the computer, saving ink and paper. Here’s a quote from Zach, “It’s ok. I liked the games that were in it to try. The games ended to fast. There is a lot of reading.” The program includes demos of the games they will learn to program and that is the games he’s referring to. There is a lot of reading involved. The student doesn’t need to know anything about computer programming to start this course. The lessons start at the very beginning and assume that the student doesn’t know anything about it. Those that do know some of the computer language will be able to move through the lessons faster. It is not necessary for the parent to know this, either. Everything that the student needs to know is included in the lessons. Overall, I found Computer Bible Games for Microsoft Small Basic to be a thorough course. My son will be finishing the course over the next couple of months. He’s looking forward to writing some of him own games. For this review, I received Computer Bible Games for Microsoft Small Basic Option #2 Single User License Digital E-Book “Download Only” Item #104-DL $59.95 Sale Price! $34.95 (SALE PRICE) Sale good through July 4, 2013 There is also a paperback version available, as well as an Unlimited User License version for use in the classroom or co-op. Also available is Beginning Microsoft Small Basic Programming Tutorial that covers the same information as the course I reviewed, without the Bible Games.
[…] To keep things exciting, we’ve been getting new products to review. Right now, we’re reading a supplemental science book, doing a history lapbook, reading a book about Sacagawea, and working on a high school non-fiction writing course. Look for those reviews coming over the next few weeks. Last week, I posted my latest review for the The Schoolhouse Review Crew – Computer Science for Kids – Computer Bible Games. […]