When my son finished treatment for leukemia, we had some of his medicine (oral chemo) left. The doctor told me to flush them down the toilet.
I didn’t do it, because we have a septic tank. I thought the medicine would disrupt the balance of bacteria in the tank and cause us problems.
I recently found this website Dispose My Meds, that has a pharmacy locater. There are now pharmacies that will take your old and no longer needed medicines and dispose of them.
Image via Wikipedia
It seems that the need is even greater for those with city sewer. There have been studies that show the high level of antibiotics and other medicines in the water supply after the water has been treated!
That’s pretty scary!
So if you have outdated or no longer needed meds, you can visit Dispose My Meds to find a pharmacy near you that will accept your old meds for disposal.
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Kaye says
Love that you wrote this! I'm going to include it on my weekend round up of great posts this Saturday! Thanks for the tip!
Anotnio Marks says
It’s good to know that there are pharmacies who collect those kind of meds for proper disposal. It’s a great help for all of us.
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