It has been another hot week here in Kentucky! So hot, that I don’t even want to venture outside to take pictures. Not that there are very many flowers out there to photograph. Anyway, I sent my daughter out to take pictures for me, and this is what she came back with.
And the 2 Butterfly Bushes still have a lot of blooms on them.
There is nothing new out there, though. There are only a couple of Hibiscus blooms left, we only had 1 Day Lilly open this week. I’m still very please with all the Jewelweed around. Our roses haven’t had any new blossoms in weeks. I’m not sure what’s going on with them.
So it’s just been a really hot week, where the flowers don’t even want to come out and play!
If you want to see pictures of our vegetable garden, visit Saturday on the Farm.While your there, join the Saturday on the Farm Carnival.
For more flower pictures, visit Tuesday Garden Party at An Oregon Cottage.
Flaunt Your Flowers at Tootsie Time.
Also visit Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Day Dreamer.
Jami says
I love being able to ask my daughter to take some pictures for me, too. 🙂 She did a great job- thanks for sharing at the Garden Party!
Dragonfly Treasure says
Your Glad is so pretty! as are youyr butterfly bushes. Mine are all done blooming.
Erin says
Oh, I am so glad that I'm not the only one who let's heat keep her from heading out with her camera…I feel like such a wimp! Your flowers look lovely, but I'll bet they'll be glad to see the heat taper off.
Bernie says
Your daughter did a great job … loved the shot of the Feverfew! The gladiolus is such a pretty one.
Crafty Gardener says
Lovely photos. I have lots of feverfew also.
Darla says
No one around here wants to go outside and play either. It is too hot….Pretty glad and love Butterfly Bushes!
Susan says
Goodness, sorry it's been so hot for you. It's been like that for most of the country lately, hasn't it? Some parts more then others.
I have never seen the light pink butterfly bush before. I have the deep purple kind, which I forgot to photograph for today. Oops. My butterfly bush is still going like gangbusters.
I hope you get a break in the heat soon. Oh, Love your glads. They remind me of my grandmother. It was one of her favorite flowers.
Hope you have a lovely day,
Suzy says
Its nice you have a few blooms in your heat. My buttefly bushes are waning at the moment