This is a different view then I usually share. This picture was taken by my son from the top of the goat pen hill. I climbed this hill. Once. Once was enough. I really have no clue how the goats can run straight down this hill. The first building at the bottom of the hill is the goat barn. The next building by the big tree is our shed. And that’s our van in the driveway. You can’t see it in this picture, but the creek goes in between the two buildings, from left to right. When I say we live in the hills of Kentucky, I mean it. The top of the goat pen isn’t even at the top of the hill. Our house is in a little valley, before the hill goes up on the other side. Which means the sun doesn’t shine on our house until about 10 in the morning. But we also miss the pretty sunsets because of the hills.
Our dog Shadow will greet you at the bottom of the hill where he lives by the goat barn. He’s an Australian Shepard.
We have a ton of tomatoes in the garden. Here’s a sample. No red ones yet, but we’re really looking forward to them. I’m really surprised my husband hasn’t picked any for fried green tomatoes. For a northener, he really likes his fried green tomatoes. lol
The cucumber vines decided to travel to visit the tomatoes. It’s nice how our veggies are friends. 🙂
The green beans are coming in heavy now. We’ve eaten some and they are delicious. My husband helped my prepare some for canning tonight. We canned 7 quarts. That was just from today’s picking. We actually had enough for another jar or two, also.
The yellow squash is doing well.
The zucchini are still growing. We’ve gotten a lot of them. I have the dehydrator filled again tonight with diced zucchini. We did lose one plant in a recent storm, but nothing else was damaged.
I ventured out to the garden for a little weeding on Thursday night. There are a few small areas we didn’t cover with cardboard or newspaper. The beets being one of them. It’s been so hot, I haven’t been able to be outside working. So the weeds were a little tall. *ahem* While pulling the weeds, I accidentally pulled a beet. They haven’t gotten very big. I would love to get enough to can a few pints. We shall see.
We built a new compost bin Thursday night, also. By we, I mean them. lol My son, with a little help from my husband, built it out of old pallets.
And then our son started filling it with gold from the goat barn. lol Looking forward to using some of that gold in the garden. 🙂
I really like this planter that my husband assembled in the front yard. The only thing is, he put it too far under the butterfly bush. It doesn’t get enough sun. He planted it with the kids and they didn’t read the packages to check the height of the plants. lol But we still like it and have gotten a few flowers on the plants. The two bottom tiers on the left have blooms right now.
Here’s a close-up of the pretty little pansy in the bottom pot. Love it!
Now that you’ve seen my gardens, what’s in your gardens?
Here are a few websites I found interesting and helpful this week:
The Easiest Way to Preserve Herbs
How to Preserve Basil
Healing Calendula
How to Grow Pot Mint Basil Indoors
Herbs for Healthy Chickens
Solar Food Deydrator from old refridgerator video
Edible Plants: Nettle
Wooden Chicken Feeder
Grab The Saturday on the Farm Button!
Saturday on the Farm is a blog carnival that lets us share links to our blog post. It’s fun to visit each others farms.
To participate in Saturday on the Farm:
- Write a post about your homestead, farm, farmette, or the tomato plant on your deck. Your cows, goats, chicken, or your favorite kitty cat.
- Add the link to your post (not your main page) below.
- Please link back to me so others can join the fun, too.
For more Farm & Garden posts, please visit:
Homestead Barn Hop
Bloomin’ Tuesday
Frugal Gardening 101
Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers
Tomato and cucumber pic == Bob and Larry!!!
Wow! You accomplish soooo much! I love your garden pics! Thank you for sharing! 🙂
Have a great day! 😀
Your garden look lovely! We have an Australian Shepherd named Shadow also 🙂 He’s a Tri-Colored one and he’s my loving pain in the tush! He’s only 3 years so he’s just starting to settle down…was beginning to wonder if he was going to live long enough to settle down. He’s our second Aussie and much more hyper than the first one ever was.
How nice to meet you through Fertilizer Friday! I love the view from the top of the hill back to your home. Having said that, it is really a HIGH hill, isn’t it? I can’t imagine being able to stop running (or rolling) down it once momentum was started. Ouch, lol.
I wish my tomatoes looked as good as yours, I have a few but they’re not very big nor are they ripening yet. They have to hurry up, our growing season is almost over here. Love the planter too, how cute. Hope you have a great weekend!
Karen recently posted..Fertilizer Friday: Last One for August