This week, Monday morning started out looking like this:
So much for working in the garden! The snow melted by Tuesday morning, but the rest of the week remained cold and damp. I was finally able to get outside for a little bit on Friday. I put compost in a raised bed behind the house where lettuce and spinach will be planted. I also made some compost tea for my seedlings.
I started by dumping some compost on top of the raised bed.
Look how nice the compost is? That’s straight compost, with no dirt mixed in. Love it!
I dumped some on each side of this raised bed. Then raked it in. In this picture, you can see the creek that is actually about 6 feet below the bed.
Look how nice the bed looks after raking the compost in? I can hardly wait for all the fresh lettuce and spinach!
While I was working in the compost, I took about 2 cups and put it into a 2 quart pitcher. I then filled it up with water.
I let my tea steep for about 5 hours. You can let it steep for 24 hours if you want, the longer it steeps, the stronger it is. Since I used this on my seedlings, I didn’t want it too strong.
I took a plastic container and put cheesecloth over the top to strain the compost from the tea.
And then I used the tea to feed my little seedlings.
How are your seedlings doing? Have you ever made compost tea before? It’s so easy, you should try it. Your plants will love your for it. 🙂
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Bloomin’ Tuesday
Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers
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