Spring in Kentucky has turned into a roller coaster event. First, snow and cold. Next warm, sunny weather, in the 70’s. Then the very next day, it’s in the 20’s and it’s snowing! True story! lol
In between the snow and the cold, we’ve started working on the gardens.
Saturday on the Farm – Strawberries, Asparagus, Kittens, & Snow!
Hannah helped me plant peas and lettuce. I had wanted to get them planted on the 17, as my grandmother always planted her peas and potatoes on March 17th. Instead it was in the upper 20’s of March that we finally got them planted. All that cold and snow, you know.
This year, I ordered strawberries and asparagus from the local extension office. This was the first time I had ordered plants from them. They are supposed to be good varieties to grow in our area. I got 100 strawberry plants and 20 Asparagus plants for $33. That’s a good deal! I picked them up on Friday, April 4th, and we planted the asparagus on Sunday the 6th. Here’s one asparagus crown in the ground.
In less than a week, we had some growing already. These are really thin stalks, that we won’t harvest. You’re only supposed to harvest the thicker stalks, and let the thin ones grow.
We worked Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday on getting all the strawberry plants in the ground. And by we, I mean my husband and the kids. lol The fence just beyond the black plastic holds my father in law’s grape vines. He shares the grapes with us. 🙂
About 2 days after we finally got all the strawberry plants in the ground, below freeing temps and snow were forecasted. So we covered the strawberries with plastic. Thankfully, as the forecast was correct. The brown house is my father in law’s house.
I have enjoyed the spring flowers the last couple of weeks. We had a tulip bloom, and it’s beautiful.
And then, bam! It snowed!
And kept snowing for most of the day. This is a picture from my front porch. You can see my father in law’s brown house, and in the house across the street lives my mother and my brother, and various nieces and nephews.
Anyway, back to the snow. This picture is taken from the back porch, with the zoom. If you start with the tree trunk on the right, and go over to the next trunk, look up on that tree, you can see a little purple. That would be a flowering Red Bud Tree covered in snow. Look out across the yard, and you can see our fire pit in the yard. Continue on out until you can just barely see the fence with the grape vines in the picture above. Yes, the strawberries are under all that snow, too!
Over the course of the day, we had at least an inch of snow. it was hard to tell, because it kept melting as the ground was too warm. By late afternoon, it was all gone. Thankfully!
One of our cats had kittens! They were born on Sunday, the 6th, so are just about two weeks old now. This was taken when they were about a day old. Yes, there is 6 of them! So cute!
So, how is spring treating you? Have you been able to plant anything in your garden yet?
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