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I planned my first Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt for Teens when my youngest, who was 12 at the time, requested to have an Easter Egg hunt. He was too old for the egg hunt at church, but I was glad that he didn’t think he was too old for one. Especially since that was the last year he requested one. We all had fun with our first Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt for teens!
Easter Egg Scavenger Hunts for Teens
I thought it might be fun, and more challenging to have a scavenger hunt instead of a regular Easter egg hunt. Here are a few links I found, then I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. Your clues will need to be specific for your house or yard. Not everyone has the same features. So have fun finding clues that will fit your house, yard, and family. And you can make it different each year!
Scavenger Hunt Clues
45 Scavenger Hunt Clues for Kids (& Adults!)
40 Scavenger Hunt Riddles for Kids

Since I did our scavenger hunt outside. I used the worksheet for the Christian Scavenger Hunt, linked above. The kids had to look up the missing word in ten Bible verses. The missing word was the item they had to find for the scavenger hunt.
I gave the worksheets to my 12, 14, 17 and 18 year olds and had them fill them out. I hide four candy filled eggs, one for each teen & pre-teen participating, at a spot outside that corresponds to the missing word.
Example: water. I put the eggs near the outside faucet. For rock, I put the eggs by the rocks of our fire pit. Of course, we have rocks as garden edging all around our house, and a gravel driveway. So they had to really hunt for the eggs. lol
It was so fun! It satisfied my 12 year olds desire to have an egg hunt. And include the teens in a fun, challenging way, when they wouldn’t have participated in a regular Easter egg hunt.
For another fun idea, use glow in the dark Easter eggs for a night time scavenger hunt! Indoors OR outside! See how we used the glow in the dark eggs.
Here are some other fun things for Easter egg hunts!
And here are a couple of scavenger hunt games to play as a family anytime!

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