Last week, I shared my Daily Lists. This week, it’s on to the weekly lists. If the daily work is done regularly, the weeklies are pretty easy to do, and they go fast.
Is everything on the list done? Not always. Nor is everything done on the day planned. But everything goes much smoother if I have a plan. Something always comes up. With a plan and a list, I can get back on track quickly.
My Dining room table |
Weekly Plan
Monday – desk duties, print assignment sheets & to do lists
Tuesday – monthlies
Wednesday – Master Bedroom, Bathroom and Kids bathroom
Thursday – School room, Craft Room
Friday – Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, Laundry Room
Saturday – porch, outside chores
Sunday – coupons
Living room and Dining room
Straighten shelves
Dust LR, DR
Wash windows
Edge vacuum LR, DR
Clean out furniture
Wipe down electronics
Vacuum DR chairs
Back porch
pick up
wipe down rocking chairs
Front Porch
pick up
School Room & Craftroom (2 separate rooms)
Straighten Bookshelves
Straighten computer desks
Straighten drawers
Wipe down electronics
Edge vacuum
Wipe down cabinets
Wipe down appliances
Wipe inside of Fridge
Remove & wash ice/ water tray on fridge
Wash drip pans
Wash Kitchen window
Wash Laundry room door windows
Wash glass doors on cabinet
Straighten Laundry room shelves
Wipe down Washer, LR fridge
Master Bedroom/Bath
Change sheets
wash mirrors
dust br/bath
clean off sink vanity
clean tub, toilet, sink
sweep bathroom

The kids do their own bedrooms and bathroom. Their lists are similar to mine.
Next week, it’s onto the monthly list!
For more homemaking ideas, visit
Homemaker Monday
Tackle it Tuesday
Homemaking Link-up at Raising Homemakers
Works For Me Wednesday
Happy Mingle Monday!
I think If I made a list, I'd probably be overwhelmed and just cry. 🙂
It's always good to have a list. Some how it make getting things done a whole lot easier. I'm following you from Mingle Monday.
I love a good list! I have LOTS of them. I should probably condense them into one. I'm following you from Mingle Monday.
I'm your newest follower from the hop!
Stop on by for our hop today & add your blog @
We'd love to have you.
Have a nice day
Awesome post! You should check out my site on Mondays, I do Make It Happen Monday, where anyone can link up to or just post in the comments their to-do list. It's where we all inspire each other, and boy does your LIST INSPIRE me!!!! I love how organized you are!
Man, you're organized! I wish I had lists like that! I just try to keep chucking and do what I can, when I can. Would probably get more accomplished like that though. 🙂
Happy Tacklin' Tuesday!