This past week was family reunion week for us. We had relatives from Florida, Ohio and Massachusetts. Lots of fun and lots and lots of work. They didn’t all stay here, most stayed next door at my in laws house, but I shared food prep with my mother in law. That was the work part. We had to cook for 18 – 22 people every day.
We start school tomorrow (Monday) and I’m glad to go back to school so I can sit down. lol
I have pictures of our schoolroom this week! I’ve had this plaque hanging up for many,many years. I read it most days to remind myself. Some days, I could use multiple readings! lol
This picture is looking into the schoolroom from the dining room. The living room opens off the dining room in the same manner. It’s all open, and we really like it. And yes, we have a lot of books. 🙂 We have one old school desk down in the left corner. The kids have more desks in their rooms but are the kind with separate chairs.
On the right side, we have the desktop computer where those doing computer schoolwork sit. Phone books, schoolbooks, telephone then our printer. After the printer is my sons work area. He works on computers and I find it quite challenging to keep up with him. His idea of picked up and organized doesn’t always agree with mine. Above, we have a shelf with cds, and computer books. The Bible maps and timeline are above the shelf. After the desk, you turn right into the hallway pictured below with bookshelf and bulletin board.
On the left side, we have the old library card catalog with supplies and such. The bins on top are where 3 of the kids keep their current schoolwork. They can just take the bin and work where they want, and it’s easy to put it all away. The fourth kid keeps his books on the small white shelf to the right. Next to that is our file cabinet. The bulletin board above has a few different items hanging up, including our prayer list.
The shelf above the window has trophies and a few collectibles on it. The maps are on a roller shade under the shelf, which is really a homemade cornice I had my husband build so I could hang the map shade under it. There is enough room under it to hang another roller shade if we decided to expand our maps. Then starts all the book shelves.
Here’s a close-up of the card catalog and the school bins.
This picture is actually when you get to the end of the school room to the bedrooms. The boys room is on the left, you can also see the bathroom door. The girls bedroom door is way over on the right out of the picture. This bookshelf holds the kids books, like Dr. Seuss and The Berenstain Bears. The bulletin board above is for the kids papers. *Note – the doors are not dirty. lol The paint is wearing off the wood. We’ve lived here with 6 kids for 12 years. I guess it’s time to paint! lol I really want to paint the walls and doors down here with chalkboard paint in a tan color. Doesn’t that sound like fun?
This picture is straight ahead in the schoolroom. The brown cabinet has school supplies – paper, new notebooks and folders, science experiment stuff, a couple games and some of our outdoor stuff like our solar balloon. It has more games on top. It’s supposed to lock, but the lock broke years ago. The door is to our craft room, with black bookshelves on either side that hold lots of paperback books.
I hope you enjoyed a tour of our schoolroom. We have a LOT of books and stuff in there. That room is what others would use as a family room. After we are through homeschooing, I think I’ll keep it as a library and just go sit in there and read. Maybe I’ll even build a window sit and sit there to read. )
Please visit:
Weekly Wrap Up
And to see more homeschool rooms, visit The Homeschool Post.
Jessy at Our Side of the Mountain says
Wow! Look at all that organization! Stopping by from Weekly Wrap-up!
Jessy at Our Side of the Mountain recently posted..Weekly Wrap-up: August 6 – 12
Martianne says
What a fantastic room you have. I sure could use posting and reading your teacher prayer every day, too.
Martianne recently posted..Resource Round Up: Handwashing Printables, Songs and Other Helps
Ticia says
That’s a great school room and you did a good job organizing, I struggle with that many times.