*I received no compensation in any form for this post.
Campus Book Rentals is sponsoring a Pay it Forward School Supplies Giveaway Event! Campus Book Rentals sent bloggers $25 to purchase school supplies to then giveaway to a child that needed them.
Campus Book Rentals is a company that offers students up to 90% off their textbooks! It not only allows students to save money, it helps students make money by providing services for students to rent out their textbooks to other students. Campus Book Rentals has been around since 2007, and continues to help students live a more affordable life. Campus Book Rentals is proud to sponsor such an amazing pay it forward event!
Thanks to this sponsored event, I was able to buy all the school supplies pictured below. I shopped at my local Dollar General Store for everything. I was able to purchase a backpack, a binder & filler paper, 2 folders, 6 composition notebooks, 3 spiral notebooks, 2 boxes of pencils, 1 pack of pens, 1 bottle of glue, 2 bottles of hand sanitizer, 1 ruler, 1 pack of erasers, 1 pencil sharpener, 1 pack of index cards, 1 pack of markers, and 1 calculator.
I’ll get to how much I paid for all that later, but for now, more pictures! I filled the pocket on the front of the backpack with all the smaller things.
The inside of the backpack is stuffed full with all the larger items, the pens, and the pencils.
I run, with the help of my family, the clothes closet at my church. We sort and make available donated clothes and household items to the community for free. That’s right. Anyone in the community can come in and get what they need for free! It has been a blessing for my family to be involved in this very needed ministry.
I am so thankful to be selected to participate in this years Pay It Forward School Supplies Giveaway. School starts here this week, so as soon as I found out I was selected to participate on Friday, I went shopping. I then gave it to one of the boys that came into the clothes closet on Saturday morning. I had purchased the supplies and given them away before I received the sponsors money. lol Since school starts early here, I wanted to make sure the supplies got to the child before they went back to school. If I had waited until this weekend, he wouldn’t have had the supplies for the first day of school.
The boy and his mother were so happy to get the supplies. His mother said he really needed them.
Now, on to how much I spent. Dollar General regularly puts out $5 off $25 coupons. I had one that was good for the Friday I went shopping. Another reason I went shopping that day, so I could take advantage of the coupon. (Dollar General is in no way associated with this school supply giveaway, that is just where I went shopping.)
The composition notebooks and the folders were buy one, get one free. So that added to my savings.
After the buy one, get one free discounts, and the $5 coupon, my total was $25.44!! That’s for the backpack AND all the supplies. The backpack was so full, he’ll have to take supplies out to put his books in. lol He now has all the supplies he should need for several months.
The boy was blessed with a backpack full of school supplies, and I was blessed to be able to participate in this giveaway.
THANK YOU Campus Book Rentals for sponsoring this event!!
*This is a sponsored post in that I received $25. to purchase the school supplies. I kept nothing for myself. I received no form of compensation for this post.
vickie says
that’s so nice Linda -I can tell he was very happy! You really made the $25.00 stretch too!
kate says
A coworker is collecting school supplies for local kids in need. I’m going to take advantage of your post to help!
amber whitehead says
It’s so awesome that you were able to help this boy out and I love the idea of the clothes closet. Sounds like a great way to really help in the community.
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