Welcome to Linda’s Lunacy!
It’s been a busy week here, even though I wasn’t in the kitchen very much this week. Just long enough to do some, menu planning and make Frozen Lemonade, so refreshing on a hot summer day.
I also shared how we use a saltwater system for our swimming pool, the homeschool books on my shelves, And what I’m reading this week.
I joined Word Filled Wednesday this week with a picture that I took.
And, of course, I was at the Saturday on the Farm Carnival, and in the garden, where I found a praying mantis.
Friday’s mean a chance to meet new people at these blog hops:
Thanks for stopping by to visit! There’s lots to see here. You could start with my “About Me” page at the top. There are more links in my sidebar.
Hope to see you again soon!
I am Harriet says
Hi there.
Stopping by from Friday-Follow to say hello.
Thanks for playing.
Have a great day!
Ruth says
Hi Linda, thanks for the follow… i'm following back. So nice to meet you, you have a great blog. will be back soon to read more…
LuLu says
Hello Linda, Happy NFF, I'm following and can't wait to read more about your homeschooling, we home school also and I'm in a turmoil trying to figure out what to buy this year!
Heather says
Nice to meet you. Sounds like you have had a busy week.
Lilac City Momma says
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love frozen lemonade yumm!! Have a great weekend!
Denise says
Hi Linda,
Thanks for following me, I'm following back.
Everyday Kathy says
Visiting fro the over 40 follow. Nice to meet you!
Everyday Mommy
Lisa says
Thank-you for visiting my blog.
I am following you too.
Have a great weekend.
lanni @ dandygiveaway.blogspot.com says
hi! following you from FF. great blog 🙂